Nick Sun
13 min readJun 24, 2019
You are the bird. The weasel is the matrix.

Hey peeps, I just thought I would remind you about this war on consciousness thing that seems to be going on. I don’t know if you are aware at all of this, but there seems to be a concerted effort to keep people dumbed down and distracted while all sorts of horrible things go on.
It seems like they don’t even bother to hide all the sorts of horrible shit going on now.
The majority of people are so distracted now, they don’t even notice, or are paralysed by a sense of powerlessness.
Loathe for me to come across as some kind of crackpot, but this isn’t some conspiracy by the way, it’s actually happening in real time in front of our eyes.
I am aware that I repeat myself a lot, but not everyone reads all my shit, so I thought I would just collate all my findings into this one article.

1. Over domestication.
One of the ways that they dumb you down is through the process of over domestication. People live most of their lives in cities nowadays, in temperature controlled rooms and disconnected from the elements. Denying the animal aspects of our true nature is unhealthy.
Comfort feels good but it is dangerous in large amounts. It’s nice to be snug and warm, but what do you do when you are warm and comfy? That’s right, you go to sleep.

2. Too much work.
Another way they are dumbing you down is by making you work all the time. In the 1950s they predicted by the year 2000, everyone would be working far less hours for more money, freeing up a lot of space for more leisure time to enjoy life. Unfortunately the reverse happened, we are actually working more hours for less money while everything is getting more expensive and resources dwindle as the population increases. How can you research all the weird shit I’ve been reading about the state of the world when you have been working all day at a soul sucking job you hate and when you get home you just want to sit down and dumb yourself out with Netflix? How can you even start meeting up with like minded people to create a proper counter culture to challenge the dominant narrative, when you have to break your back working to raise a family and trying to ‘get ahead’?
Getting ahead is another illusion. There is nowhere to get to. You don’t need more. It won’t make you happier.

3. Atomic family structure.
Which leads me onto my next point — the atomic family structure was only a recent development created by the industrial society and increased living populations in urban centres. The atomic family structure is actually not a very effective or efficient way to raise children or even live. In indigenous cultures, the whole village raises the babies. Child care is a shared duty, leaving the parents to go off and enjoy their own free time once in a while and recharge their batteries. It’s actually not normal for just two people to look after their babies all by themselves, it’s a lot of work and very tiring.
If everyone is tired all the time, how can you really be bothered shifting things?

4. Time.
The way we measure and shape time dictates our perception of reality and therefore shapes our consciousness. The dominant time scheme that we use is the Gregorian calendar, which was installed by the church. It is a system of time that is completely arbitrary aside from everything being measured from before and after the birth of that guy who may have not even existed in the first place, Jesus Christ. It’s a set of numbers that roughly correlates with the Northern hemisphere seasons, but it’s actually not attached at all to any of the cycles of nature like the waxing and waning of the moon, as how indigenous tribes often measured time. In the tropics, Winter and Autumn don’t mean shit. What this means is that is basically disconnects you from the rhythms of nature. When you are disconnected from nature, you are easier to control.

5. Food.
Most food you buy from the shops isn’t very good for you. Excessive starches will lower your energy. Excessive sugars and excessive fats are so bad for you on so many levels. Then there is the amount of artificial preservatives and chemicals in processed foods these days. You look on the back of the packet of most processed foods in the supermarket and it’s just a bunch of numbers. If you look up what these numbers mean, you will find out that a whole bunch of them are actually really bad for you.
Then we have the case of factory farmed meats, pumped full of chemicals and hormones, raised in their own filth and disease and then slaughtered in inhumane ways so the meat is all pumped full of their natural stress hormones which you then eat. A diet high in these meats is correlated with higher rates of cancer and heart disease.
You are what you are eat. If you are eating lower vibration shit, then you will stay on a lower vibration level.
Pesticides in non organic vegetables and fruits are needless to say, very bad for you. Roundup, an industry standard, contains glyphosates which are carcinogenic. A man recently successfully sued Monsanto for the cancer he is now dying from being linked to the roundup he had to use in his job.
Then there is the amount of food we eat. Do we really need to eat as much as we do? I know I don’t but I do, because it’s there and it tastes good. Other times we eat food to satisfy the emotional vacuum within ourselves and our lives. The Capitalist system is designed to create dissatisfaction within you, it helps fuel consumerism. If you are eating too much, you spend all your time digesting and smothering your digestive fire and solar plexus chakra with unnecessary food, areas of your spiritual body that are associated with willpower and self confidence.

6. Water.
Water these days has been adulterated in many countries with fluoride and chlorine. There is a lot of evidence and counter evidence about this, but I suggest you try and experiment. This only works though if you are starting to wake up and are aware enough to notice the difference. Try drinking spring, bore, rain or distilled water for a month. You will notice the difference. Then go back to tap water. You will notice the difference.
What is well documented is the increasing presence of microplastics in our water. We consume up to 5 grams of microplastics a week through our water and food. The effects of microplastics on the human body is still not fully understood, with some studies indicating that it is carcinogenic, and that certain microplastic additives are endocrine disrupters that have an adverse effect on testosterone production. Other studies say that it’s totally fine to ingest plastic, but the idea that consuming a credit card weight worth of plastic a week is totally fine for you, makes me wonder who the hell is funding that research and what their agenda is.

7. Drugs.
Look at the drugs that are legal and accepted by this patriarchal dominator culture that we live:
Alcohol dumbs you down and makes you feel like it’s a good reason to beat your wife. It lowers your awareness. People enjoy alcohol because they are so uptight and neurotic, they have to have alcohol to loosen up.
Commercial cigarettes, which are a bastardised, chemically treated, de-sacralised version of the holy tobacco medicine, kill you and make lots of money for the economic machine and also make money in for big pharma due to all the people who get cancer from it.
Coffee gives you enough of a buzz to bear doing that shitty job you hate for money that isn’t real. Never trust a drug that your employer supplies to you for free, even designating a break in your paid time schedule where you can go and get a buzz on the company dime. It’s the choice drug of the dominator culture par excellence, because it is all about speed and efficiency and getting as much done as possible. It stops you from being able to just be.
Don’t even get me started on all those horrible big pharma prescription drugs.

7. Divisive Media non-issues.
Now we have all these divisive issues coming out to keep everyone distracted and bickering over stuff that really in the scale of the impending ecological crisis, aren’t really that important. Cultural appropriation, gender pronouns, gay marriage… Sure, these are all important issues on a human level, but really the fundamental issue is that we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction and climate scientists predict that we have around 10 years before things start to really get shitty. To be arguing about identity politics while Earth heads towards an ecological crisis that will kill most of us, while the corporate-sponsored government destroys forests and exploits various oppressed groups of people in the developing world to make more money, is a bit like people splashing water at each other while a tsunami approaches them in the distance. It is just another divide and conquer tactic used to keep potential allies seperated from each other.

8. Media Fear Campaigns.
If you pay attention to the media these days, most of the stories in there are designed to scare the crap out of you. If everyone is scared all the time, then they are easier to control. They also will tend to rely on the State to look after them, much in the way that a parent promises to protect the dependent child that they continue to frighten about the boogie man.

9. Urban living.
Urban living is a very unnatural way for us to live. Traffic, noise, traffic, EMF pollution, surveillance cameras, it really just is not a nice way to be. Do you ever wonder why when you are in nature that you feel nice? It’s because there is no surveillance cameras watching your move as EMF radiation shoots directly into your brain.
I know I’m sensitive, but I seriously cannot spend more than a couple of weeks in the city until I start feeling fried and nervy. As soon as I move to less populated areas in nature, my mood changes immediately.
I feel that a lot of depressed folks are just undiagnosed empaths, living in energetically toxic environments.
Once again, being cut off from nature is just another way that keeps you in a space where you are more easily controlled.

10. Screens.
Ever look around on a train these days? Everyone is on a screen. It is literally sucking your life force. These screens flash images at a rate that is clearly hypnotic. It shortens your concentration span, and I believe this is a part of the reason why the majority of people are clearly getting dumber. Everyone is so absorbed in their screens, they do not notice where the world seems to be heading. It reminds me of how ostriches bury their heads in the sand to hide from predators.

11. Social media.
I recently deleted my facebook account and I have more energy than ever. Best decision ever! Those aren’t really real or satisfying relationships you are having online. The real thing is more rewarding than ever. And no you aren’t changing the world by posting articles online about bad things happening in the world. No one even really reads them. It is just a giant waste of time that could be spent taking real action, like say writing a blog like this one haha.
As well as that, facebook as well as many other major media companies are directly linked to the NSA so any information you give on that platform is available for scrutiny if and when the time comes.

12. Lack of initiation rites.
There are no more initiation rituals in the West to mark the passage from childhood into adulthood. Every indigenous tribe had some kind of ritual that involved extreme pain, ordeal, psychological dissonance or psychotropic substances that elicited some experience of ego death — pulling the subject out of a child-like self-centred acquisitive mode of consciousness and into an altruistic community oriented adult mode of consciousness.
This child-like self-centred acquisitive mode of consciousness is exactly what fuels the consumer machine as well as keeping us in a childish dependency upon the state.

13. The systematic eradication of indigenous people and their knowledge.
The indigenous people around the world have really copped a beating for a very long time. Why is this I wonder? Could it be because they have the knowledge of how to connect to ancestors, spirit and earth? How to live in harmony with nature?
When you have a solid connection to all these things, you know who you are, and when you know who you are and what your place in the scheme of things is, then you are less likely to be easily manipulated.

14. The suppression and illegality of psychedelic plant medicine.
These medicines are becoming more and more popular, but they did create a lot of issues in the past, because one of the main side effects of doing psychedelics, is that it makes you become highly aware of how completely false the social system you are existing in is. These are boundary loosening substances. They make you aware of your social programming and then allow you to deprogram yourself and imprint new ways of being. This is clearly a threat to the existing order, so no wonder most modern societies are afraid of making them freely available.
These medicines also allow you to directly experience spiritual states of ecstasy without having to go through a middle man, say a priest or a bureaucratic representative. Experiencing this kind of ecstasy directly and personally, is a threat to the many control systems masquerading as religions because you may realise then, that you don’t need to buy into their bullshit.

15. Consumerism and Advertising.
I thought I would combine these two because they are closely linked. They make you think you need something from outside of yourself to feel complete. But you never actually need anything from outside of yourself to be complete. Duh. The other thing is that they more objects you own, the more attached you become to the material plane and the more dispersed your consciousness becomes, as according to the Buddhists, everything you own has a bit of your consciousness invested in it. This prevents you from ascending to higher spiritual levels. This is why when you die, in some Buddhist cultures eg. the Tibetans, they will often burn your possessions in order to release you from any remaining earthly attachments. Why do you think so many religious folks take a vow of poverty? Why do you think so many rich people are unhappy?
The more shiny things you have it seems, the more time you spend worrying about losing them.

16. The Security State.
Now is it just me or are things heading towards a right wing direction more and more these days? It seems like laws and controls are getting more and more harsher. It’s happening bit by bit, little by little. It’s a bit like boiling a frog, raising the temperature so slowly most of us aren’t aware that it’s happening. They are taking these laws away that slowly disable us bit by bit, or will try and stop us from rising up later in future. For example in Australia, they have made it illegal to protest, but there are many examples of these types of laws happening in the West.

17. Isolation and the destruction of the community.
The great lie of the central tenet of Individualism here in the West, is that we cannot do it alone. No man is an island. In numbers we have strength. The widespread loss of community and the isolation of the individual in urban areas is just another divide and conquer tactic that keeps people from organising themselves.

18. Shoes.
I know this is a bit of a weird one that sounds a bit crackpotty, but I encourage you to try it if you live in the country. Don’t wear shoes. There is a subtle electro magnetic charge that is emitted by the earth that you obviously do not feel when you wear shoes all the time. As the Hindu saints say, ‘How can you feel what Mother Earth feels, when you are wearing shoes?’. To touch the ground beneath you is about as grounding as you can get!

19. Celebrity culture.
In the absence of any real Gods these days, capitalist consumerism has filled the void very effectively with celebrity culture. But what do these false gods really do? Popstars make terrible music that sells products to people, including the empty values of the culture that created them. Actors make millions of dollars by pretending to be people that they are not. We worship them for being fakes. We make it one of the highest goals in our culture to become one of these famous pretenders, because they are a reflection of our systems own emptiness, and just another distraction.

20. Private property.
Ownership is a lie and creates imbalances between the haves the have nots. It also creates attachment and a false ego based on things, tying you to the material realm. In indigenous cultures, often property is a shared thing. No one really owned anything, it was shared property of the tribe. In the West, ownership is one of the most central tenets of our being. It is against the law to steal or take anything off someone else, even though most Western countries are themselves are founded on the theft of property and resources that belonged to some other indigenous culture, as in the case of most colonial empires.

There are plenty more ways that your state of consciousness is compromised on a daily basis, but I figure this is probably enough food for thought now and I want to go and repot some cactus.


If you would like to support what I’m doing, I would greatly appreciate this. At the moment I am exploring an alternative way of existing that questions the basic tenets of the culture we have grown up in, and I will report back to you my findings. For $2 a month, I will be able to cover food and rent so I can work out an escape route for all of us people who are sick of being buttraped by the system. https://www.patreon.com/nicksun

Also feel free to send me any questions and I will answer them badly in my sporadic Agony Aunt column.



Nick Sun

Email me at kambogaia@gmail.com and hey, why not support me for $2 a month on patreon while i finish my freaking book? https://www.patreon.com/nicksun x